
Be Responsible When Accepting Foster To Adopt Placements

I stumbled across a blog post from an adoption website a couple of months ago that summed up in a nutshell the type of desperate situations adoptive parents sometimes find themselves in.  This was posted on a public forum--I have removed the poster's name, nonetheless to respect her privacy. "Last year, my husband and I became first time parents to a little girl, age 18 mos, who was referred to us as a happy healthy child from the foster care system. Over the next 6 mos, our lives crumbled as it became clear that our child is severely mentally and emotionally damaged. Some of her labels came to include RAD, PDD, FASD...but what really affected us was the fact that we had dozens of professionals who told us she was too young and too sick to be helped." Wow.  What a heart wrenching post.  It actually got worse--describing a child who violently attacked both people and pets and seemed to feel no emotion at all.  I don't write about this or point it out to scare prospect...

Finding an Adoption Therapist for Your Foster Or Adopted Child

Families experience great joy as they welcome their newly adopted or foster child into their family. When a child comes home, parents might start counseling right away or the need may not arise until a later time, such as adolescence. Finding the right therapist can be a challenging task, especially if a parent is not familiar with the counseling field. This article gives parents direction on choosing the right adoption counselor for their child. There are many factors to consider from insurance and office location, to the therapist's degree and training. Any reputable therapist will be happy to answer questions about themselves and their practice. Some questions to ask the prospective therapist include:     Do you have a Masters degree (or above) in a counseling related field? Counseling related fields include: psychology, social work, psychiatry, and marriage and family therapy.     Do you have a license to practice independently? Each state and degree ha...

Fostering the Children Requires Long Term Investments

Family separation is one of the most disturbing events may occur in the life of a child. However, the study also reveals that fostering developed in the best way to provide children with short and long term investment opportunities, if children can not live with their families. If a child can not return to the care of families with children, but adoption is not suitable for the child, it may cause long-term investment is to take care of them. Therefore the fostering is the only one good way to make it done with an easy process. Since the "long term" the term implies, foster parents, usually need long-term care for a child over a longer period than the providers of acute care, often with the independence that eighteen years. Children who need long-term care, they are probably older children, usually not less than seven years, these children are staying more in regular contact with their brothers, sisters, parents and relatives. The children of long-term investments can remain ...

How to Look For a Child Available For Adoption

Being a foster parent is a pretty daunting task. In fact, foster parents often have to be superheroes: Many foster children may come from abusive environments, and being thrust into an entirely new household, away from their families is both stressful and unnerving. Becoming emotionally attached is one temptation for foster parents who are there simply to make a child available for adoption or return to his or her birth parent/s. Generally, foster care is a collaboration between two agencies: foster care agencies and adoption agencies who ensure that the child is well-taken cared of. Keeping the best interests of the child and working to making a child available for adoption into a loving, caring and permanent home is the ultimate goal of foster care. Before any adoption takes place, foster parents play an important role by maintaining communication lines with adoption agencies who are screening potential adoptive parents. By working closely with them, foster parents may keep the agenc...

Getting Pregnant: An Overview Of The Adoption Option

Adoption is an option that is increasingly being considered by many couples in the world today. It is no longer an issue that only couples that have been unsuccessful in their attempt to get pregnant consider. Couples with children and those who can still get pregnant also consider adopting children. Whichever your reasons for wanting to adopt a child, there are various things that you must know about adoption and various steps that you must take before you can successfully add a new member to your family. Talk It Out With Your Partner Getting pregnant and adopting a child into your family are big steps so far as the family set up is concerned. This is mainly because they not only involve both parents raising a child, but also because they come with added responsibilities. Since there will be need for both parents to create a conducive environment for the development of the child, it is imperative that you talk to your partner about your wish to adopt a child. Making sure that you are ...

The Differences Between Foster Care and Adoption

Of course, there are many differences between foster care and adoption, ranging from the trivial to the significant. After a child is adopted and post placement visits have occurred, a social worker will no longer be a regular guest at your home. The child will have your last name. You will not have to share authority with an agency decisions about school, medical treatment, religious practice and a myriad of other parenting matters can be made without someone looking over your shoulder. The child will inherit from you and is entitled to a share of your estate equal to that of any of your other children. You will be financially responsible for the child's welfare until the age of majority, and you will be liable for his or her actions in any legal disputes. When you adopt your foster child, especially one who has been with you for an extended period of time, both you and the social worker should help the child to understand the significance of the change in status. The child's...