How to Look For a Child Available For Adoption

Being a foster parent is a pretty daunting task. In fact, foster parents often have to be superheroes: Many foster children may come from abusive environments, and being thrust into an entirely new household, away from their families is both stressful and unnerving. Becoming emotionally attached is one temptation for foster parents who are there simply to make a child available for adoption or return to his or her birth parent/s.

Generally, foster care is a collaboration between two agencies: foster care agencies and adoption agencies who ensure that the child is well-taken cared of. Keeping the best interests of the child and working to making a child available for adoption into a loving, caring and permanent home is the ultimate goal of foster care.

Before any adoption takes place, foster parents play an important role by maintaining communication lines with adoption agencies who are screening potential adoptive parents. By working closely with them, foster parents may keep the agency updated on the emotional well-being of a child available for adoption.

Adoption agencies have two specific roles to play in foster care. First, they the state-authorized entity granted custody and care for any specific child available for adoption. Secondly, prior to adoption, they are responsible for keeping the child in a safe and loving environment, while they evaluate potential adoptive parents, and whether that family is capable of taking care of the child's needs. Adoption agencies and foster parents work hand in hand so that not one child may feel the pangs of neglect and emotional distance that their circumstances have left them with.

Foster children of all ages are often placed in the care of the state child welfare system, before being adopted. Sometimes, the court assign public or private adoption agencies with the challenge of making a child available for adoption into permanent and caring homes. More often than not, foster children are products of broken homes or abusive family environments. The courts strip parents of their parental and legal rights, either for abusive home environments, neglect, or even sexual abuse.

Adoption agencies now take the children under their custody. While the agencies select permanent homes for these children, they are cared for in foster homes. During introductions, foster parents are made aware of what the child has undergone. Overcoming a child's instinct to withdraw from his or her environment is the biggest challenge for any foster parent. And this is crucial for a child available for adoption. Foster homes often begin working with children by helping them with their problems and easing them out of their shells and helping them to become more comfortable forming bonds with the rest of the foster family.

Turning the child over to the care of adoptive parents is perhaps the most difficult part in most foster parents. Many foster parents have stories of the emotional goodbyes, especially when a foster child has become attached to them and does not want to leave them. But all foster parents know that that there is the reward for all their hard work: Being able to teach love to a young child and receiving the same kind of affection in return.


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